Piešťany, Slovak Republic, 7 to 13 August 2011
Una squadra italiana ai Campionati USIC di Tennis maschile, che si terranno a Piestany (Slovacchia) dal 7 al 13 agosto 2011!
Atleti italiani:
- Mario CARNIO, DLF Treviso
- Giuliano FERRO, DLF Treviso
- Elvo BRUNELLO, DLF Treviso
Capo Delegazione/Allenatore:
- Roberto BORDIGNON, DLF Bolzano
For the USIC member states registered for the 19th International USIC railway championship in Tennis-Men: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Switzerland.
Vajnorská 1, 815 70 Bratislava, Slovakia
Tel. + 421 2 2029 5528
Fax + 421 2 5542 3408
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Internet www.ozz.sk
Nábrežie Ivana Krasku 2, 921 01 Piešťany
Tel. + 421 33 7951164
Fax + 421 33 7951155
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Internet www.hotelpark.sk
Championship Program:
- Day 1 Arrival of the teams until 18.00 at the train station in Piešťany, technical meeting
- Day 2 Opening ceremony, Competition, technical meeting
- Day 3 Competition, technical meeting
- Day 4 Morning competition, afternoon excursion, technical meeting
- Day 5 Competition, technical meeting
- Day 6 Competition, closing ceremony, results awarding
- Day 7 Departure of the teams
Vajnorská 1, 815 70 Bratislava, Slovakia
- Mgr. František Petroci, President OZŽ
Tel. e fax + 421 2 5542 3408 - + 421 2 2029 5528
Zel. 920 5528
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Internet www.ozz.sk